Terms of Use

Please, check these few simple things to make sure we're on the same page.

Personal Data

By downloading Premium or 'Pay What You Want' resources from this website via Gumroad or Lemon Squeezy platform you agree and fully accept these terms of use. You also agree to provide submitted an email address and any other submitted info to be added and stored in Creative Veila mailing list on Squarespace to receive news and updates via email.

You can unsubscribe or manage your mailing preferences anytime, using links in the footer of any emails you receive from contact@veila.me address. Once unsubscribed, you cannot be added to the mailing list again, which means you won't receive any emails from contact@veila.me until you re-subscribe manually. 

'Pay What You Want' Resources.

Free Design Resources section features 'Pay What You Want' design resources or Freebies. The key feature of this kind of resources is an optional price, which is up to you to set, starting with $0. If you choose $0 as a price, you won't be charged any money for the resource. Your email might be required to download, though. The download process of 'Pay What You Want' resources are covered by Gumroad and Lemon Squeezy platform.

'Premium' Resources

Downloads section features 'Premium' design resources. The price for Commercial and Extended licenses of 'Premium' resources are being set by the author. Customer will be charged this price after picking the license option during purchasing. The download process of 'Premium' resources is covered by Gumroad and Sellfy platforms. 


All downloadable design resources on this website are distributed under the following licensing terms: 


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Any Questions Left?

Let me know if you have any questions or doubts to share.